Quiz: How well do you know Purim?

Prepare for the masquerade season by testing your memory on the famous Persian Jewish story.
Sultan And Genie
Purim means:
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What powerful object was passed from the King to Haman and, later, from the King to Mordechai?
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The King in the story of Purim was:
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The Book of Esther is read from a scroll. This scroll is called a:
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According to the Talmud, a person on Purim should drink until:
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The feast for Achashverosh’s nobles and officials lasted:
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Esther had another name, what was it?
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Who was queen of Persia before Esther?
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Purim spiels / plays originated in the 15th century in:
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In what city did the story of Purim occur?
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